1 October

Steadiness of Changing Times
Turning our world upside down to shake out the winter blues
Dust off the winter blues and literally get some spring in your step.
October 1st is the first day of daylight savings.
To some of us it can feel a bit of a shock when we suddenly face having to get
up an hour earlier, with darker mornings, and we are greeted by longer
Put yourself in the best possible frame of mind for this 1st day of daylight
savings and the weeks following.
This workshop, and the Early Morning Intensive each morning of the following
week, is aimed at building internal light and steadiness in changing times.
Inversion practices are on the agenda for this exciting workshop.
A special discounted package is available to anyone wanting to attend both this
workshop and the following Early Morning Spring Intensive.


Single workshop
$85 full price / $75 concession

All 5 workshops
$375 full price

Early Morning SPRING Intensive
$120 full price / $100 concession

Early Morning Intensive PLUS Spring Clean / Daylight Savings workshop
Special Discount
$175 full price / $165 concession